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The last duel trail ride

22 Craig Street, Perth Ontario K7H 1X8

Submitted by: Kyle Duncan

Notes: Take a ride in either the park or the walking path of the last duel .... hope you survive lol jk.

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Nice picnic area along the river. Very clean washrooms. Great place for a picnic and pit stop!
Meg Jeddore
Can be sketchy at night had weirdos come up to my car while we sit and eat in car here sometimes and ask for rides like 2 blocks away for $20 so clearly something sketchy there but overally beautiful and scenic during the day! worth a visit but should have more cops at night for this problem
Travis Rochon
Cute place to camp on the edge of perth, right by the river. Worth a look.
Bruce Gray
Beautiful setting with trees, open fields and the Tay waterway. Ribfest location... Yummy! Also free wifi for trial (or you can go to the town hall and get the password)
Debbie Chapchal
Great for hanging g out with friends, excellent camping grounds, for the whole family.
Clive.Larry Brooks



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